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Control what happens when elements like images, text or buttons extend past the borders of their parent container. You can control the overflow property of containers and sections, as well as Layouter and Repeater items.

Showing overflow

Sections and containers are set to Show by default, so when content flows outside, it’s still visible on the site.

Note: The way sections are arranged may also affect whether overflow content is visible. To change the arrangement, select the section that’s covering the content, choose the 3 dots from the floating action bar, and under Arrange choose which way to move it.

Screenshot of a site with text that is overflowing from one section into the next because the overflow property is set to show.

Hiding overflow

You can choose to Hide content if it flows outside the borders of its parent container, which means site visitors won’t see it.

A blank Layouter is on the canvas and there is a dropdown menu showing different display types. The Slides option is highlighted

Showing overflow on scroll

To enable content to scroll, add all the content to the section or container and set the overflow to Scroll. Next, choose the direction you want the content to flow in, either Vertical, Horizontal or Both. You can hide or show the scrollbar using the blue toggle.

In the Inspector panel, the cursor is selecting Left to Right as the direction of choice


The mid-year trends report:
How we built it


The mid-year trends report:
How we built it

2021 Trends: How we built it


2021 Trends: How we built it

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